We haven’t even started 2022 and momentum is building for the 2023 posting cycle. A key milestone was the recently released EOIs for jobs that can be filled by any RAAF enlisted or officer aviator (also known as ANYA and ANYO positions). The four steps below are designed to help aviators thinking of applying for these positions:
1. Zoom out
Think about what you’re seeking to achieve by undertaking an ANYA/O position in 2023. Some aviators seek these positions to take a breather from their core role and try something new. Others do it to enhance promotion prospects or move closer to their long-term aspirations. Everyone’s reasons will vary but have a clear picture of your reasons before applying.
2. Research
Once you’ve defined this purpose, use it as a lens to review the positions available. There’s not much information in the list itself, but you’ll be able to see details such as the position location, where it sits in the organisation, and the job title.
If some of the positions take your interest but you’re still not quite sure, dig a little deeper. The best contact is usually the incumbent, who can give you an overview of the role and answer specific questions. Career Managers and mentors are also great contacts who can provide general advice on how these positions can fit into your career profile to help you decide whether they’re right for you.
3. Apply
The next step is to submit your application. There can be different application processes for different positions, so make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Some positions will also contain essential and desirable criteria; ensure you address these in your application.
You may also have a chance to add amplifying comments. There’s no magic formula here, but ensure you keep your comments clear, succinct and relevant to the position. Remember your audience: similar to promotion boards, these comments will be read by a variety of people in conjunction with your reporting profile and everyone else’s applications.
4. Wait
Once you submit your application, that’s it for now. Behind the scenes, applications will be vetted, some will be short-listed and selection boards will be convened. Interviews may also be held.
In the fullness of time, a decision will be made and your Career Manager will let you know the outcome of your application/s. If you’re unsuccessful, be mindful that the depth of feedback will vary for each position, largely due to the application and selection process.
Other considerations
The following points cover some of the most commonly asked questions not covered above:
Will I be released from my core trade? Yes, in most cases. However, there are rare instances where workforce health can influence a member’s releasability. Your CM can provide further context.
What role does the CM play? Usually, the application and profile will speak for themselves, without the need for CM comment. CMs add relevant information and comment on releasability if need be.
Can I apply if I’m not due for posting? Yes; however, there could be career implications in leaving your current role early (forgoing crucial experience etc). Speak with your CM to discuss further.
Can I apply for ANYA/O positions of a higher rank? Technically yes; however, the chances of being selected are lower than positions at your current rank and will depend on factors such as the size of the applicant pool and how close you are to promotion.
Is there a perfect time to do an ANYA/O position? Not really. ANYA/O are seen to ’round out’ someone’s profile at rank, but plenty of aviators do these jobs early in rank without career detriment. Once again it depends on your profile and career aspirations.
How do ANYA/O positions look for my career? ANYA/O roles provide organisational understanding and perspective not usually achieved in your primary trade. Because of this, ANYA/O are usually valued by promotion boards. However, not all positions will give you the same experiences and different positions will benefit certain musterings/specialisations more than others. Do your research and ask others for advice.
Can I do back-to-back ANYA/O postings? Yes; however, be mindful that there can be career implications of spending too much time out of your primary trade.
Will more ANYA/O positions be released for 2023? Probably. Promotion boards, succession planning and other factors will likely result in additional ANYA/O positions becoming available for 2023. Keep an eye on the DP-AF website over the coming months.
Final thoughts
ANYA/O positions are fantastic opportunities that provide unique organisational exposure that aviators don’t usually get in their primary trade. If you’re interested in these positions, do your research, ask for advice and ensure you have a clear picture of how these experiences will contribute to your career. Good luck!
Broaden your perspective: Out-of-trade roles in the RAAF
![Broaden your perspective: Out-of-trade roles in the RAAF](https://flightlessaviator.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/20210531raaf8207245_188-1.jpg)